Pre-Nuptial Agreements: unromantic and unnecessary or realistic and pragmatic?

Pre-nuptial agreements are arrangements entered into by two individuals in advance of marriage to manage, amongst other things, the way their property will be owned should the marriage breakdown. Marriages are relationships traditionally…

Newcastle Legal Walk

On Monday evening a team from Hadaway & Hadaway took to the streets of Newcastle for the Newcastle Legal Walk. Alongside other lawyers in the region Charlotte, Nick, Lynne and her daughter, Ella, Derek, Gavin, Rachel, Alan Douglas, Jane, Geoff…

Zipwire across the Tyne for The Stroke Association

Total raised by Derek, Nick, John, Alan D, Daniel, Julie, Jill, Jude, Louise & Kate D doing the zipwire across the Tyne is over £1400 for The Stroke Association More photos and videos can be view on our Facebook page Thanks…